
What a Day in Politics

Last night was, of course, the primaries in Ohio, Rhode Island, Texas, and Vermont. Ohio and Texas were the really important states tonight and the latest polls leading up to today had shown Clinton and Obama virtually tied. The results from last night: Vermont: McCain and Obama win. Ohio: McCain and Clinton(even though it was …

Snow Day!

There’s no flood, but Rutgers FINALLY decided to cancel classes for the day! I only had one class today, but it was an 8:10 A.M. class so I’m not complaining. Besides, I think I am finally getting the snow storm I have been waiting for all year! 🙂 It is so pretty outside right now, …

Did you know…

…that every hundred years, the leap year is skipped? Apparently, while the leap year occurs every four years, once every hundred years it is skipped. I learned from Pat Sajak’s random comments at the end of Wheel of Fortune tonight that in 2000 the leap year was skipped and this is why. Upon some research, …

Lunar Eclipse

Tonight was a total lunar eclipse– the last total lunar eclipse until December 20, 2010. There were two last year. I’ve been looking out the window periodically tonight and just now I looked again and it was totally eclipsed at this point..pretty cool. I was reading earlier that later this year, sometime in August I …