
My Recipes Featured in Local Newspaper

When my brother Ayaz emailed me a link to a tweet by our local newspaper asking for our favorite pizza pie recipes, I let it sit in my email box for a few days before going, “what the heck, I’ll share my Bubble-up Pizza and my favorite pizza recipe.

I figured that would be it, a RT (retweet on twitter) at the most.

Surprisingly, shortly thereafter, I got an email from the Social Media Editor affiliated with the newspaper. She asked me whether I would mind sharing some of my recipes on a post they would be featuring for Pi Day (today), how I started cooking, and why I post my recipes on my blog amongst a few other things.

As a result, my Pi Day recipes from last year (Chicken Pot Pie and a Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie) are part of their Pi Day feature in their newspaper’s website today [alongside a link to my “What’s for Dinner” section of the blog!

Click here to see the full article (mine is the last one). Below, I took a screen shot of my portion [because I’m not sure if the link will work for everyone or not.):

Like my recipes? Click the below link to purchase my cookbook “What’s for Dinner”:

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