Showing 125 Result(s)

God & Tragedies

In times of tragedy or hardship, non-believers/atheists always bring up the question “where was God in this?” or “how could God let this happen” or even more specifically “IF there is indeed a God, then WHY would He let this happen?” All fair questions indeed. And ones to ponder. For many, hard times bring them …

Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013

2012: what a year. It’s been filled with challenges and bumps in the road. But those were great life lessons indeed. It hasn’t been easy and I’ve written vaguely about some parts here. Nonetheless, life experiences are what it is all about. It can’t be full of roses all the time, now can it? How would …

Psychological Issues and the Blame Game

Additional/continuing thoughts after my post from Friday night: I’m sick and tired of hearing about the psychological issues in the aftermath of a horrendous massacre like this. Why isn’t something done before? Why is it gone unnoticed? Psychological issues leave many hints of problems, why aren’t they caught earlier? It’s not like one day this it is developed, …

Newtown, Connecticut School Massacre

Another horrific massacre. My heart aches for the family and friends of the 27 deceased that were viciously murdered this morning. Especially the innocent 20 children who suffered and endured what no one should have to go through. Let alone at a school! It sickens me how evil some people can be. The ache I feel inside of …


A friend of mine who I went to school with, posted a picture of her niece in the costume below on Instagram with the following caption: ‘so I asked my niece what she is going to be for Halloween and she comes out wearing this. I asked her what it was and she said “Bando-girl. She is …

Everything Happens for a Reason

Everything happens for a reason. I’ve always been a big believer in those words. I remember even back in high school having a stubborn debate with a good friend of mine over fate and free will where neither of us were willing to budge from our respective points of views. Personally, if this last year …

Halal Food Festival

Yesterday (Sunday) marked the first annual Halal Food Festival here locally in Central New Jersey. Did it run smoothly without any hitches? No. But you know what? An event at that scale almost never does. And for all those complaining (there seems to be quite a few of them), how about appreciating the event, and …


For the most part, during taraweeh in the month of Ramadan, we weren’t distracted or disturbed by kids because they had set up babysitting in the basement for the young ones. Most obliged, and left their young kids there. Of course, there were some who must have though that their “angel” of a kid wouldn’t …


You see the Lego box below? It’s from our (my siblings and mine) childhood. Our parents bought it for us back in 1991 — yes that’s 21 years old — and almost as old as me!! We played countless hours with the set, building everything imaginable. We wore out the blocks, the people, and the …