Showing 125 Result(s)

Self Control and Soda

I’ve had soda only twice in the past month (maybe longer… the time frame is probably longer but I am not sure exactly how much longer so I’ll leave it at that). If you are thinking “so what?!”, here’s what: While I don’t think I was ever addicted to soda, I was a fan. Had …

The Power of Words

My cousin shared the following video earlier, and I had to share it. It’s funny how the same thing can be said so many different ways, and how they can have different connotations (that lead to different reactions). Along the same lines, but not really related to this video directly, too often, we are so …

The Power of a Smile

There is this woman that I’ve seen/spoken to three days in a row now. The first two days, she was terribly rude and had a major attitude problem (not just to me, to everyone she interacted with I noticed). I, in return, still started off with a smile and was courteous and polite throughout the conversation. On …

U.S. Citizenship

Yesterday (11.08.11), on Election Day, I became a U.S. citizen! For a political buff like me, that is pretty neat. I may be the only person excited about jury duty, and of course I can’t wait to vote! We’ve always sent an absentee ballot back to Canada to vote. Apparently, the NJ office is one …

Beyond a Reasonable Doubt

Beyond a reasonable doubt. What does that mean to you? Unless you live under a cave somewhere (and if that was the case, you wouldn’t be reading this either), you had to have been at least aware of Casey Anthony and the case against her. If you read and watch the news (multiple times) daily like me, then …

Advertising Tactics

I understand companies think of every way possible to advertise their stuff and try and get us the consumers to their products. That’s just the way it works. I do not appreciate the fact when they go over board and send me emails telling me there are things still left in my cart from my …