Showing 27 Result(s)

Public Speaking

Public Speaking. Probably the best class I took in high school. Before I took the class (and during it actually too) I DISPISED talking in front of people. I just hate(d) the idea of everyone staring at me which I talked. I just basically hate when all the attention is on me in a group …

Out in NYC

Not taking an easy way out or anything for the A to Z Challenge but out just fit perfectly for O. I’m out for the whole day a second day in a row to Manhattan. Boy what a difference a day (and the weather) makes! Yesterday was full of crazy rain, crazy lightning and thunderstorm and …


The more I look for a job, the more I believe it’s all about networking. It’s not what you know, it’s WHO you know. Is that fair? I don’t know. I’m all for the importance of networking and whatnot on a regular basis (as in you should not be selective in the people you meet …

Rachel Maddow at Rutgers

I went to see Rachel Maddow speak yesterday morning bright and early at Rutgers (my alum!). The event was a part of a series of events the Eagleton Institute of Politics is holding (I went to see Nicole Wallace speak several weeks ago as well and plan on going to see Valerie Jarrett next month also). Nicole …


Life is too short too waste over petty things, don’t you think? Why do we make minute aspects of life into such a big thing? And the things that actually matter? Many don’t even think twice about. Why does belittling others help some people feel better about themselves? Don’t you think using that energy for something …


I couldn’t think of what to write for the letter K (besides the common words like kindness and whatnot) so I’m leaving you with a picture of chicken Bihari kebabs that I made this past Friday for the potluck that I mentioned before. Yum! Like my recipes? Click the below link to purchase my cookbook “What’s for Dinner”: …


I love jokes… and am pretty easily amused most times. So I thought I’d share a joke today: How do you make gold soup? Give up? Put 14 carrots in it. Get it? Carrots, karats. Oh, forget it! 🙂 P.S. Happy Birthday Faraz! P.S. Don’t forget to leave me a comment below on your thoughts! …


Is it just me or are less and less people valuing integrity lately? An obvious lie is deemed as a fib nowadays. As if it makes it better somehow. Or that isn’t as wrong. What is happening to people’s morals these days? People lie about everything and anything — even petty things that do not make …


If there is one thing I’ve learned in my life so far, it’s to not give up hope. No matter how stressful things become. No matter how negative things may seem. Not even if everything seems to be going wrong. It’s something I struggle to work on daily as I get frustrated looking for a …


Family Gatherings are probably one of my favorite things. Fortunately, I have such a large family and it’s not just on holidays that we all gather. In my opinion, the best kind of weekends are those that are family-filled. Fortunately, I have a lot of family that live nearby and some in other states and Canada …