

Life is too short too waste over petty things, don’t you think?

Why do we make minute aspects of life into such a big thing?
And the things that actually matter? Many don’t even think twice about.

Why does belittling others help some people feel better about themselves? Don’t you think using that energy for something productive and POSITIVE would be… better?

For example, a person who deliberately twists someone else’s words to negate them is going out of their way to make that person look bad. WHY is that necessary?

I remember reading a quote a very long time ago and it has stuck: “Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.” How true is that?

P.S. Don’t forget to leave me a comment below on your thoughts! As always, I’d love to hear from you.


  1. I think it&#39;s a sign of maturity, staying away from petty stupid things. <br /><br />I&#39;d love to say I&#39;ve lived a life free of this vice, but it would be a lie. I try to make up for it now.

  2. Haha g-girl, it happens to everyone from time to time… it just gets to me when some people just wallow over it constantly.<br /><br />Thanks Randomdanni, I shall write up a post on it soon!

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