Showing 12 Result(s)


I am scared of all bug related things, so when I just noticed two cicadas at my front door? Yeah, not going over so well. Several years back, I saw them through the safety of the car on a road trip down to Virginia to visit family. When we got there, cicadas were also there …

Maximum Potential

“What if the cure for cancer is trapped inside the mind of someone who can’t afford an education?” I came across this quote late one night last week when someone shared it on Facebook. It was in the middle of the night, but it got me thinking right away. It hasn’t left my mind since. …

Just a Dream

I never remember my dreams. I don’t think I stay in REM sleep long enough to even have many… So imagine my surprise when last night not only did I have a dream that I woke up remembering… but a very vivid one. Why couldn’t it be a pleasant one at least? It’s just my mom …

Locked Out

So you know what I did this weekend? I locked the keys in the car. In the trunk. In a rental. In another state. Ugh. Oh and I managed to do this the night of my cousin’s, Naairah, graduation party. On the positive side, I guess it was a good thing that we were already …

Forever 21

No, I’m not talking about age. I’m talking about the clothing store. One that people my age shop at all the time. Their “store credit only” policy for returns? Their jewelry and accessories as being “final sales”? Stupid, I know. But I didn’t normally care or think twice about it because I don’t think I’ve …