Showing 11 Result(s)

Weekend in Washington D.C.

Last weekend, during President’s Day Weekend, my family and I went to Washington D.C. I’ve seen most of the tourist spots between my ten day stay in Baltimore/Washington D.C. through LeadAmerica’s Law and Trial Advocacy Program back in 2005. What I hadn’t seen then and really wanted to see was the Arlington National Cemetery [mostly …

How Did You Do It?

How did you do it? Over the last year, that is, by far, the number one question people have asked me. If not ask that question, then bluntly say something to the sorts of “my goodness, you’ve lost SO much weight!” Gee, really?! Thanks. I hadn’t noticed. Worst, by far: “how much weight did you …


Can’t make this stuff up. Not if I tried. Not that I would need to, I seem to have people humor me all the time. Like this one. Can’t forget this one either. Common sense. Not very common at all, now is it? Someone was asking for my email. So to make things easier, I told …