Showing 105 Result(s)

Olympics: Pre Mens Hockey Final

I’m not a big fan of sports. I watch it rarely. Except for the Olympics (see my blog post about that here), the only time I’m really into watching a game would be when I was watching the Rutgers football games – and that’s mainly because that is my school’s team. Realistically, I just don’t see …

Snowy February

We’re in the midst of another snow storm!!!!! Can you sense my excitement? It’s absolutely gorgeous outside and looks so pretty! I’m enjoying every minute of this. We’ve had more snow in the February than the rest of the winter combined so far. This is the first time in many years we are actually having a snow-y winter, so …

Olympics: Ice Dancing

How amazing was the ice dancing competition yesterday night? Canadians Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir won the gold medal! I’m kind of biased being Canadian, but I think overall it was quite a show. A lot of them performed quite well.  One of the things I like about ice dancing is that it is a competition, but with a …

Why I Like Twitter

When I originally joined twitter, I played around with it for a few hours and then gave up because quite simply – it looked too complicated and I didn’t get it. Months later, I was convinced to give it a second try. And I’m glad I was intrigued to do so because now is it probably one of …

LSATs, Round Two

The LSAC really needs to get its act together – at least on the LSAT days. When I took the LSATs last September the only part I remember being annoyed about was the fact that when I got to my testing location, I had to go the second floor of the basement of one building to find …

This or That?

“When faced with two choices, simply toss a coin. It works not because it settles the question for you, but because, in that brief moment when the coin is in the air, you suddenly know what you are hoping for.” As soon as I read it, I chuckled because that’s so me (and true, don’t …

Beginning of Winter Olympics ’10

Olympics – it’s honestly the only time every two years that I look forward to sporting events. In the summer games, my favorite are gymnastics and swimming (because of the last summer olympics)  and in the winter games – figure skating and ice dancing. The fact that the Olympics are being played in Vancouver, British Columbia …

Snowmageddon – 1, Rutgers – 0

The snow hasn’t even started yet, but Rutgers canceled classes for tomorrow because of the snow storm we are expecting overnight. Not only am I looking forward to the snow, but looking forward to some time to catch up on some school work that I had been neglecting while studying for the LSATs. We are expecting somewhere …