Showing 105 Result(s)

84-Year-Old Freshman

I haven’t posted anything since I got back from Canada about two weeks ago, but this article I was just reading was too neat not to share: It’s about an 84 year old man who is a freshman in college pursuing a degree in psychology and then hopes to to eventually get his masters in …

Obama in Edison, NJ

How often does it happen to work out that the President of the United States visits your town… to visit a sub shop at that! Next to never? That’s exactly what’s happening this afternoon! Obama is traveling to good old Edison, NJ — to “Tastee Sub Shop” to be exact… which is like only a …


Apparently nowadays, everyone’s favorite question to ask me is: “so what are you doing nowadays?” or “so what are you going to do now?” when they learn that I’m not going for the whole law school route (at least for now). As simple as that question is, it is driving me absolutely INSANE (that’s the …

Root Canal, Part Two

Would you believe that six dentist appointments later, the whole root canal business is finally over today? I finally got the permanent crown put in earlier this afternoon. I can’t believe this took SEVEN weeks – when it usually takes one or two visits!

A Quick Recap of the Weekend

I HATE when everyone leaves at the same time, and that is exactly what happened this past Sunday. We had family arriving last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for various family gatherings, but they all left Sunday. On Friday night, our aunt and uncle (Chotti Anna and Javed Chachoo) hosted a BBQ, and it turned out to …

Max Brenner

Yesterday, my brothers, Shazia and I went to Max Brenner in NYC. Faraz had been there before, but it was the first time for the rest of us. While ‘Chocolate Chunks Pizza’ by name doesn’t sound so appetizing, it was absolutely delicious (and not as heavy as I was expecting it to be) : it …


Faraz, You and I both know how much I hate changes.. and there have been a lot of them lately. The biggest of them yet is you moving to Canada. Its so weird to think that you’ll be in a different country and even weirder to think that we’ll only see you a couple of …


Faraz is moving to Canada and not planning on using his iPhone there, which means that I have his iPhone until I’m eligible to upgrade to the newer iPhone. and he has my LG Vu. Undoubtedly, it’s a one sided win for me! 🙂 🙂 Read my horror story with the LG Vu here and here. …