Earlier this month, the Sunday after our Washington D.C. trip, Faraz and I drove up to Mississauga in Canada for about five days (which was originally supposed to be a 2 day trip) because he had a job interview.
On our drive up to Mississauga, we passed through an area (Binghamton) that just had a tornado hit. Passing the storm was insane, with crazy rain and wind – but thankfully we drove right through it in fifteen or twenty minutes.
We have a LOT of family up in Mississauga (some of which were just here for the wedding). I love going to see places and things, so one of the nice things about just us two going was I got to go around downtown Toronto the two days Faraz was there interviewing. I used to live in Toronto, but I don’t think I’ve ever gone before.
Did you know that pretty much the whole downtown Toronto has an underground mall that is connected by pathways. Because its so cold there in the winter, people can just go to the basement level from their office buildings and get to virtually anywhere in downtown they want without ever having to step outside. It was pretty neat, and immaculate!
Faraz got the job, and he’ll be moving to Canada the first of July! Whoa, talk about growing up fast!
I’m going to miss him a lot, and it’ll be weird having him move there… but I wish him nothing but the best… and I guess the past five years of him living at school kind of prepared us… but not really considering we would see him a few weekends a month.
The night he got the job, my brother and I went to Demetre’s with my aunt and her family to celebrate. Demetre’s is an all-dessert restaurant and it was amazing to say the very least. We definitely have to take our parents there next time we’re in the area. I’ve always heard about it, but never went there before.
This is what I had:
It was absolutely delicious! It’s called “Sweetcar Named Devour” and consisted of chocolate ice cream (under the crepe), fresh strawberries, and fudge sauce! Yum!
P.S. Don’t forget to leave me a comment below on your thoughts! As always, I’d love to hear from you.