Showing 61 Result(s)


I have internet again! and air conditioning! I never, in a million years, would have ever expected this to happen to us – but lightning struck our house this past wednesday! it’s one of those things you always hear about… but never think it’s going to happen to you or anyone you know. My mom …

MB Muslima Magazine

I haven’t really had time to post recently (LSATs are less than two months away and i need all the studying time i can get), but i definitely wanted to post about this. As i mentioned in an earlier post, my friend Yasmin recently started working on creating an online magazine for Muslim women (others …

What I Missed in Orlando, Florida

This is probably the last of my blog posts for the florida trip. Here’s what i wanted to see/do, that i didn’t get to: see: buzz lightyear (at magic kingdom) spiderman (at universal studios) cat in the hat (at universal studios) ariel (magic kingdom) the shuttle launch from a closer vicinity. take a picture with: …

Orlando Favorites

I figured I’d do a separate post of favorites from the trip. Favorite Meal: My favorite meal was at “Adam’s Philly Steak & Gyros”, where we had lunch the afternoon of our flight. It served halal food, which was of course a plus… but best of all, the food was absolutely delicious… and the portions …

Florida, Continued.

Monday, bright and early (8 AM), we went to epcot. This was the only day that all sixteen of us went to the same park. Epcot was probably my favorite park overall because of all the shows we watched. at epcot, my favorite two rides were soarin’ and this other one (that i can’t remember …

Home Sweet Home

I’m finally back home… after like three weeks! Boy, am I exhausted. These past five days, especially, have been amazing! It was, by far, the best family vacation ever. Tiring, but amazing. We got back home at 4:30 in the morning! Our flight from Orlando to D.C. was delayed two hours… and then we went …

Why I Wear the Hijab

By nature, I have always been (or would at least like to believe so) very conservative and conscious of my actions. Even when I was younger, I would wear the hijab here and there – but my parents did not want me to commit to it until I was older and mature enough to make …

LSATs for Dummies

I’ve seriously never felt more incompetent in my life. This whole week so far i’ve been hardcore studying for the LSATs – focusing most of my attention on the logic games section (as that is the section i am most worried about). I figured it would be hard, but doable. each “game” is followed by …


This past friday, for the second time since I graduated high school, I went back to my old high school to speak to the seniors (and some juniors) about college. As I was talking to several of the classes, I found myself telling the seniors (and juniors) how fortunate they were to have so and …