Showing 106 Result(s)

Richardson Endorses Obama

Bill Richardson endorsed Obama today at a rally in Portland, Oregon, saying “Barack Obama will make a great and historic president”. Earlier, In an email to supporters, Richardson wrote: Earlier this week, Sen. Barack Obama gave a historic speech that addressed the issue of race with the eloquence, sincerity, and optimism we have come to …

What a Day in Politics

Last night was, of course, the primaries in Ohio, Rhode Island, Texas, and Vermont. Ohio and Texas were the really important states tonight and the latest polls leading up to today had shown Clinton and Obama virtually tied. The results from last night: Vermont: McCain and Obama win. Ohio: McCain and Clinton(even though it was …

Another Win For Obama

The final results for the February 19th primaries and caucus were: Democrats: Hawaii: Obama (with 79%) Wisconsin: Obama (with 58%) Republicans: Washington: McCain (with 49%) Wisconsin: McCain (with 55%) With the Hawaii win, Obama is now up to a 10 state winning streak.

Obama’s Ahead!

Obama sweeped all three primaries again tonight : Virginia, D.C., and Maryland by significant margins. On a MUCH higher note, Obama’s ahead in delegates..even after factoring in the infamous super delegates! The latest numbers are 1181 for Obama to 1173 for Clinton, but they will definitely climb in the coming days. Clinton’s deputy campaign manager, …