Showing 34 Result(s)

Hajj Trip: October 11

Posted on a later day, 10.29.13, I chose to keep the dates in mark with their corresponding dates from our Hajj trip for convenience. You can see a link of all the post-trip posts by clicking here and scrolling down. Click here to see the previous day’s post and click here to see the next day’s post. …

Hajj Trip: October 10

Posted on a later day, 10.28.13, I chose to keep the dates in mark with their corresponding dates from our Hajj trip for convenience. You can see a link of all the post-trip posts by clicking here and scrolling down. Click here to see the previous day’s post and click here to see the next day’s post. …

Hajj Trip: October 9

Posted on a later day, 10.28.13, I chose to keep the dates in mark with their corresponding dates from our Hajj trip for convenience. You can see a link of all the post-trip posts by clicking here and scrolling down. Click here to see the previous day’s post and click here to see the next day’s …

Hajj Trip: October 8

Below is my recollection from day one, October 8, of our trip… getting to Madinah. Posted on a later day, 10.27.13, I chose to keep the dates in mark with their corresponding dates for convenience. You can see a link of all the post-trip posts by clicking here and scrolling down. Click here to see the …

Tonight’s the Night [Hajj]

October 6. It’s, inshAllah, the morning of our flight: about 13 hours away at this point [ironically also the duration of the first leg of our flight], and I figured I would do one last pre-hajj post for my recollection later. I want to remember this feeling. Apparently it’s going to be an emotional day. …

Heading for Hajj

I briefly mentioned it in a post back at the beginning of September, and meant to write more in detail about it [and earlier] but… it just didn’t happen. Anyhow: Alhumdulillah [with the blessings of God], my parents and I will be heading for Hajj in a few short days inshallah [god willing]. Night of October …


“… among you is he who is returned to the most decrepit [old] age so that he knows, after [once having] knowledge, nothing.” [22.5]. Dementia. I don’t know whether it’s nice to hate something, but I do. I hate dementia. With every ounce of me. It’s taken away my maternal grandfather mentally from us, and …

Halal vs. Zabihah (Meat)

First, and foremost, I want to say that the following is my opinion only! Growing up a Muslim in a predominantly non-Muslim country, one of the huge challenges has been navigating between what we can and cannot eat in adherence to our religion. Whether this be meticulously reading through the ingredients lists in products at the grocery store, …

God & Tragedies

In times of tragedy or hardship, non-believers/atheists always bring up the question “where was God in this?” or “how could God let this happen” or even more specifically “IF there is indeed a God, then WHY would He let this happen?” All fair questions indeed. And ones to ponder. For many, hard times bring them …