Showing 21 Result(s)


“… among you is he who is returned to the most decrepit [old] age so that he knows, after [once having] knowledge, nothing.” [22.5]. Dementia. I don’t know whether it’s nice to hate something, but I do. I hate dementia. With every ounce of me. It’s taken away my maternal grandfather mentally from us, and …

How Did You Do It?

How did you do it? Over the last year, that is, by far, the number one question people have asked me. If not ask that question, then bluntly say something to the sorts of “my goodness, you’ve lost SO much weight!” Gee, really?! Thanks. I hadn’t noticed. Worst, by far: “how much weight did you …

Positive Thoughts

We have no right to ask when sorrow comes, “Why did this happen to me?” unless we ask the same question for every moment of happiness that comes our way. How true is that?! Recovering from a viral I caught last month has taken much longer than anticipated for some reason and is still making …

Drive Thrus’

A modern convenience? or a traditional setback? Let me start off by noting that I’m not talking all drive thru meals. Of course there are circumstances where you are just getting a quick meal/drink on the go. Or its easier to go through the drive thru lane instead of getting all of the kids out of the car …

Please Help A Friend

UPDATE: 1/12/11 4:45 PM My cousin informed me a little while ago that her friend passed away. Please continue to keep her family in your prayers and help financially via means of donations if you are able to. You can read the original post below: — I hope this reaches all of you in good …

I Hate Being Sick

You know what’s worse than being sick for about two weeks? Spending about eight hours in the emergency room while feeling miserable! I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – nurses – my god, are they the most patient people or what? I don’t know how they do it. I’m a fairly impatient and stubborn …

September at a Quick Glance

So i’ve been MIA from blogging recently (for like a month!), but that’s because a lot has happened (and has been happening) that has been keeping me quite busy!! Anyhow, i took my LSATs this morning! The morning started off rough with having low air pressure in one of the tires of the car… and …