Showing 35 Result(s)

Snowy February

We’re in the midst of another snow storm!!!!! Can you sense my excitement? It’s absolutely gorgeous outside and looks so pretty! I’m enjoying every minute of this. We’ve had more snow in the February than the rest of the winter combined so far. This is the first time in many years we are actually having a snow-y winter, so …

LSATs, Round Two

The LSAC really needs to get its act together – at least on the LSAT days. When I took the LSATs last September the only part I remember being annoyed about was the fact that when I got to my testing location, I had to go the second floor of the basement of one building to find …

Snowmageddon – 1, Rutgers – 0

The snow hasn’t even started yet, but Rutgers canceled classes for tomorrow because of the snow storm we are expecting overnight. Not only am I looking forward to the snow, but looking forward to some time to catch up on some school work that I had been neglecting while studying for the LSATs. We are expecting somewhere …

When Life Throws You Lemons…

Have you ever gotten the feeling that you were meant to do something? Well, I keep get the feeling that I wasn’t meant to be a lawyer. And that’s quite unfortunate because it is something I have wanted and ASPIRED to become since I was in the eighth grade. It’s funny how we plan for something, and something totally different …

Obama’s State of the Union Address

So as I was watching Obama’s first State of the Union Address (SOTU) as president earlier, education was high on my list of things to note. As a college student right now who is planning on pursuing higher education (via law school), it is probably one of the two most important issues (healthcare being the other one) that …

Winter Break ’09

Why is it that it seems like we wait for vacation for so long and then when it finally comes, it just flies by… no matter how long (or short) it really was. It feels like winter break just started, but it is going by so fast and already coming to an end and classes start …

Snow Storm Forecasted

I don’t know about you, but i LOVE snow! Actually, i think that is the biggest understatement ever haha (and anyone who knows me can attest to that). Since i woke up this morning and read/heard that we were expecting a snow storm, i’ve been anxiously looking forward to it (and hoping it won’t dissapoint). …

Snow, Classes, RU Football

It FINALLY snowed today for the first time this season! When i read in the newspaper a couple of days ago about the forecast for snow for today, i’ll admit i got super excited for it – but i didn’t really think it would end up snowing… or that if it did, it wouldn’t snow …