Showing 8 Result(s)

3 3 3 3 3 = (equals) 5

Here’s another brain teaser (or more of a math question) for you that I got from Faraz! Put in the operations to make this correct: 3 3 3 3 3 = 5. Give at least two solutions. P.S. Don’t forget to leave me a comment below on your thoughts! As always, I’d love to hear …

Another Brain Teaser

I’ve got another brain teaser for you! There are six glasses. The first three of the glasses are filled with orange juice; the other three are empty. By moving only one glass, can you arrange them so the full and empty glasses alternate? I’ve included an image for those of you who need a visual …

Another Fun Logic Question

Here’s another fun logic problem, although different in content. I’ve seen a different format of this question before (with different animals and such), but this specific one was assigned to me in one of my classes for fun. Anyways, here goes: There are three hobbits and three orcs on one side of a river. They …