Showing 6 Result(s)

The Power of Words

My cousin shared the following video earlier, and I had to share it. It’s funny how the same thing can be said so many different ways, and how they can have different connotations (that lead to different reactions). Along the same lines, but not really related to this video directly, too often, we are so …

Red Lobster

I love seafood… and tilapia is one of my favorites! So it should come as no surprise that one of my favorites when I go out to eat is the Wood-Fire Grilled Tilapia at Red Lobster. It’s what I get EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. I go there. Without fail. Love the Caesar salad at Red Lobster. LOVE their biscuits. I …

The Power of a Smile

There is this woman that I’ve seen/spoken to three days in a row now. The first two days, she was terribly rude and had a major attitude problem (not just to me, to everyone she interacted with I noticed). I, in return, still started off with a smile and was courteous and polite throughout the conversation. On …

Choopan Grill

Food: 3 Staff: 3 Atmosphere: 3.5 Overall: 3.0 Choopan Grill is a new Afghani Restaurant that opened recently in our area. It apparently has two other locations by the same owner in NY (or so I’ve heard). I tried it today with three of my cousins (and we all love Afghani food). The service was… …