Showing 6 Result(s)

Why Gender Matters

Some people prefer doctors’ of their own gender for a variety of reasons, but one common reason is that ‘they can relate to the problem’. To which, I’ve heard the argument (and read online) that if you want to use the argument that you want a doctor that has been through what you have, then …

Another Brain Teaser

I’ve got another brain teaser for you! There are six glasses. The first three of the glasses are filled with orange juice; the other three are empty. By moving only one glass, can you arrange them so the full and empty glasses alternate? I’ve included an image for those of you who need a visual …

U.S. Citizenship

Yesterday (11.08.11), on Election Day, I became a U.S. citizen! For a political buff like me, that is pretty neat. I may be the only person excited about jury duty, and of course I can’t wait to vote! We’ve always sent an absentee ballot back to Canada to vote. Apparently, the NJ office is one …

Application Humor

Someone I know had this as their Facebook status yesterday, and it made me literally laugh out loud. Because it’s so true! She wrote: Whenever I am filling out an application, and I get to the part where it asks “who should we contact in case of an emergency”, I always write in “doctor”. What’s …

Funniest Kid Ever

So I am waiting in the lobby of the hospital earlier this morning, and this adorable little girl (had to be 2 1/2 or three years old at max) caught my eye. She was giving her mom a hard time and running around in a crowded area (every young mother’s nightmare, I’m sure). To try …