
Week in Review

First of all, I want to wish you and your family a very Happy New Year. I don’t know about you, but it doesn’t feel like a new year is beginning because time is literally flying and no special events seems to have that much of a significance anymore because of what’s going on everywhere in the world.

Other than that, things have been pretty busy here. My dad’s sister and her family were visiting last weekend from Canada and today my dad’s brother and his family came down from Canada as well – so it’s been a lot of family time. During that time, we celebrated my aunt and uncle’s and my cousins’ anniversaries too – so that was a lot of fun (Happy Anniversary Javed Chachoo and Anna; and Shakil Bhai and Popi Baji).

Monday was the Rutgers Football bowl game, and it was a good and very close game – but we pulled off a win ๐Ÿ™‚ . Now the football season is really over for the year. ๐Ÿ™

We got more snow yesterday, and even though it is not sticking, it is still fun and really pretty to look at it… but the cold and wind with it is too much!

As you can guess, I’ve not been getting much studying for LSATs, so I really got to work on that for the remainder of the break.

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