The big international news today was of course that Fidel Castro resigned as President of Cuba and commander in chief of Cuba’s military, saying that he would:
“not aspire to, nor … accept the position of president of the council of state and commander in chief. I wish only to fight as a soldier of ideas. … Perhaps my voice will be heard.”
I read online earlier in the day that the U.S. embargo, however, on Cuba is to remain in place.
Now to the election coverage in the U.S.:
The latest spin against Obama have been accusation of him plagiarizing! Obama has been accused of borrowing lines from Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick. On CNN Political Ticker, I read that people from Obama’s campaign came back though, saying that Clinton had a pattern of borrowing some of the Illinois senator’s signature phrases, including “Yes, We Can” and “Fired Up, Ready to Go.” Anyone who has watched Clinton’s speeches knows very well she has used Obama’s words over and over again, so she should be the last one to make allegations.
Obama’s campaign circulated a YouTube clip which deals with the allegations and shows Hillary Clinton (pre-Iown caucus) saying “…We have seen thousands and thousands of Iowans over the last week and we are fired up and we are ready to go because we know America is ready for change and the process starts right here in Iowa”.
Tonight was the primary in Wisconsin (for both parties) and Hawaii (just democrats), along with the caucus in Washington (just republicans).
In the Wisconsin primary, the winners were McCain and Obama. So far Obama has won the last nine in a row. Obama will most likely win Hawaii as well, which means that he will have won ten in a row by the end of tonight. 🙂
Speech wise, this time around McCain learned his lesson and came out and gave his speech as soon as the Wisconsin polls closed, considering that last time he waited to give a speech after Obama and was no where near as good. McCain threw out another shot at Obama in tonight’s speech, saying: “I’ll make sure the Americans aren’t deceived by an eloquent, but empty promises of change”.
My favorite quotes from Obama’s speech tonight: “I’m running because of the fierce urgency of now. Because there is such a thing as too late” and “Hope is not blind optimism…hope is imagining for, then fighting for what never seemed possible before.”
I’ll update the final results later tonight or tomorrow. February 21st is the next debate for the democrats..and the next major primaries are on March 4th: Ohio, Rhode Island, Texas, and Vermont.