Showing 6 Result(s)

Tsunami Survival Video

Did you guys watch this? Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Literally as they seek shelter and try to get on a higher ground level, the tsunami waves come crashing under them as if it was a scene out of a movie. Just think of those who weren’t as …

9.0 Earthquake

If a 8.9 9.0 earthquake isn’t a wakeup call for you, I don’t know what will be one. The devastation that the earthquake and the consequential tsunami has caused is going to take many many years to rebuild. The videos, pictures, first person reports are heart-breaking to say the least. I’ve embedded just of those below: I …

Initial Thoughts on Earthquake in Chile

There’s nothing more disheartening than waking up and reading breaking news alerts of a massive earthquake – one of an 8.8 magnitude and that tsunami’s have already occurred in some places. It was interesting to hear that the officials in Chile would not call it a tsunami, and instead referred to it as a ‘large wave that washed over’ …

Remarkable Rescue in Haiti

I saw this on my brother’s blog and i had to share it as well. What a remarkable story : a seven year old boy and his sister were found alive and in relatively good shape seven days after the disasterious earthquake that hit their region in Haiti. Here’s a clip:(The previous link I put …

Thoughts on Earthquake in Haiti

I’m sure, by now, everyone has heard of the devastating 7.0 earthquake in Haiti earlier this week on Tuesday that has caused so much destruction, left so many people homeless and without food, injured countless people, and killed over 45 thousand people (and counting; the number is expected to sky rocket tremendously). Not to mention the amount …