Showing 25 Result(s)

Snow Day!

So as I am hanging out with my cousins and brothers, my mom lets me know that Rutgers canceled classes for Monday!! I was so surprised, because Rutgers next to never cancels class. Mind you, this time Rutgers announced the cancellation of classes BEFORE it even began to snow!! Hopefully I’ll catch up on some …

May 25th, 2008

This afternoon we went to a beach nearby my cousin’s house. The weather was BEAUTIFUL and the total opposite of yesterday. Later, in the evening we went to dinner at my aunt’s friend’s house. There, we learned that there was apparently an earthquake here yesterday. Fortunately, we didn’t feel anything.

Snow Day!

There’s no flood, but Rutgers FINALLY decided to cancel classes for the day! I only had one class today, but it was an 8:10 A.M. class so I’m not complaining. Besides, I think I am finally getting the snow storm I have been waiting for all year! 🙂 It is so pretty outside right now, …

Obama’s Ahead!

Obama sweeped all three primaries again tonight : Virginia, D.C., and Maryland by significant margins. On a MUCH higher note, Obama’s ahead in delegates..even after factoring in the infamous super delegates! The latest numbers are 1181 for Obama to 1173 for Clinton, but they will definitely climb in the coming days. Clinton’s deputy campaign manager, …