Showing 8 Result(s)

Imtiaz Chachoo

Too often we forget how limited our time in this world is and what truly matters. We chase materialistic things, not realizing it's going to be meaningless after our short stay here. We chase people who are nothing. We devalue those who are everything. We make trivial matters into big things yet diminish the value of …


Papa. Not only my maternal grandfather, but one of the most humble and nicest people I have ever encountered. I was just super lucky and beyond blessed to call him my grandfather. Most people, in fact, referred to him as Papa. Like he was a father figure to all. His generosity? Kindness? Affection? Wisdom? Knowledge? Knew …

Family Pillars

There is just something about the generation of our grandparents that hasn’t shown up in our parents or ours. It’s hard to pinpoint, but there is something remarkable about them. Something that stands out. That or maybe we were just extraordinarily blessed to have wonderful role models in so many of them within our family. We …


This past Sunday, I attended a janaza prayer [AKA salat-ul-janaza] for the father of one of our family doctor’s. Janaza prayers are the Islamic funeral prayers. Now I’ve attended quite a few funeral prayers. My first memory of attending one, unfortunately, [for a close family member] is back in 2001 for my 15 month old baby girl …

Precious Cousin

Today marks ten years since my beautiful and absolutely perfect baby cousin passed away after only fifteen short months of life. She died in the hospital room of a local hospital surrounded by MANY members of her extended family. Hers was the first death I experienced in my life. Losing her was so bittersweet because …

Elizabeth Edwards

Elizabeth Edwards, has died at the age of 61 after a six year long battle with breast cancer. Just yesterday, news broke that her doctors had informed her last week that further treatment would be “unproductive” and that she had stopped treatment. You always pray and hope for the best, but unfortunately in life you …

Senator Ted Kennedy, 1932-2009

“For all those whose cares have been our concern, the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives and the dream shall never die.” — Senator Ted Kennedy, 1932-2009 Around 1:30 A.M. this morning, i was suprised and deeply saddened to receive “breaking news” text messages from several different news organizations alerting me …