Showing 3 Result(s)

What’s for Dinner: Chicken Tikka Wrap

Like my recipes? Click the below link to purchase my cookbook “What’s for Dinner”: P.S. This post is a part of my “What’s for Dinner” series, where I share what I’ve been cooking and my recipes. Grab and share my button:   <a href=”http://www.summaiyahhyder.com/search/label/What%27s%20For%20Dinner”></a><br /></p><p style=”clear: both;”><center></p><p style=”clear: both;”><a href=”http://www.summaiyahhyder.com/search/label/What%27s%20For%20Dinner”></p><p style=”clear: both;”><img src=”http://summaiyahhyder.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Whats4DinnerButton_zps588d82a8.png” /></a></center></p><p style=”clear: …

Annual Screening

With Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation in the news so much recently, and the topic weighing heavily on my heart, I figured now would be the perfect time to talk about this. Cancer. Probably one of the most despised six letter words in the English dictionary. I can’t explain to you the number of …