Showing 6 Result(s)

John McCain’s Hypocrisy

Even though I don’t usually watch Rachel Maddow’s show, I do watch it here and there because my brother prefers the shows on MSNBC (while I like CNN more). The only show on MSNBC I like is Keith Olbermann’s. Earlier this week, she had a piece on John McCain’s contradictions on basically EVERY policy. While I think …

Eid-ul-Adha 2010

Eid Mubarak to everyone celebrating! It’s very weird — it’s our first Eid ever without Faraz (who moved to Canada in July) and also our first Eid in our new house. We invited our local family (around 45-50 people) for breakfast/brunch, so that should be a lot of fun! Hope everyone has a great day …

Aurora Moments Photography

A good photographer makes a world of a difference, don’t you think? My cousin, Samia, recently started a photography business of her own, called Aurora Moments Photography. She’s based in New York (but does events in New Jersey and other local areas as well). I’m not just saying this because she’s my cousin, but she …

MSNBC Suspends Keith Olbermann

So as you may (or may not have) heard, MSNBC ‘indefinitely’ suspended Keith Olbermann earlier today in light of the news that Olbermann donated to three democratic candidates in the midterm election. Olbermann, who acknowledged the contributions, made the maximum legal donations of $2,400 to each of the three candidates. According to POLITICO: NBC has a rule …

Election Day Reminder

Hopefully you are aware that tomorrow is Election Day! If you know me personally, you have gotten an email reminder as well, but again this is just a friendly reminder (as always) for you to vote tomorrow.  I don’t care who you vote for, just don’t forget to vote and remind your friends and family …