Showing 139 Result(s)

Live Blogging – Election 2008

Thursday November 6th; Obama wins North Carolina! Final Electoral College numbers: Obama 364 – McCain 174. Wednesday November 5th; 9:02 AM – McCain is the “apparent” winner of Missouri. Obama 349 – McCain 174. From whats left over – Obama wins Indiana. McCain wins Montana and Alaska. Obama 349 – McCain 163. North Carolina and …

With One Day Left

With one day left , I urge you to exercise your right to vote in the election! Not only is the presidency at stake, but local elections are too. Tomorrow is definitely going to by an exciting day.. and I can’t wait! ๐Ÿ™‚ On a much sadder side note, Barack Obama’s maternal grandmother Madelyn Payne …

Decision ’08

Using this “Decision ’08” Widget, you can watch the 2008 presidential results roll in and get real-time election results on Nov. 4! You can see the electoral vote count and the congressional balance of power with the national U.S. map or choose a state and see how individual counties are voting. As soon as either …

Moving Day!

Tomorrow is Moving day! We sold our house in Edison and are moving to Piscataway for a year or so as we look for a permanent home. All the packing and work involved has me exhausted… its especially hard with exams and school work to keep up with! ๐Ÿ™ Packing like the worst chore ever …