Showing 10 Result(s)

Yay for a Vacation!

I’ve been interning for a month now… and boy am I glad for a vacation! My family and I, on Monday, will be going to Canada for about a week for my cousin’s wedding. The week should be a lot of fun – and very exhausting! So far the internship has not turned out to …

Tim Russert’s Memorial Service

This afternoon was the memorial service that MSNBC held in memory of Tim Russert. Tim Russert’s son, Luke, also spoke. Tim Brokaw, Brian Williams, Maria Shriver, and Luke Russert were just four of the ten speakers who spoke in the service. Here are the links to watch most of the speakers from the memorial service …

Oh, the Places You’ll Go!

Here’s a poem that was recited by one of the administrators in my high school graduation two years ago… and I love this poem. It may be by Dr. Seuss, but nonetheless, its an inspiring and a great poem. Oh, the Places You’ll Go! Congratulations!Today is your day.You’re off to Great Places!You’re off and away!You …

Al Gore to Endorse Obama

I just found out that Al Gore is set to endorse Obama in a campaign rally tonight in Michigan. I also saw the following on CNN Political Ticker: “A few hours from now I will step on stage in Detroit, Michigan to announce my support for Senator Barack Obama,” said the 2000 Democratic presidential nominee …

Happy Father’s Day!

On a similar note as the one I posted on Mother’s Day, I am definitely one of those people that think everyone should celebrate their father’s everyday… but I would still like to wish my dad, along with all the other dad’s… a very Happy Father’s Day! I am extremely grateful for such a wonderful …

Tim Russert

As I was sitting at work today in the city, I received a breaking news alert on my cell informing me that after suffering a sudden heart attack and collapsing, Tim Russert died today at the age of 58. Russert was recording voiceovers for Sunday’s “Meet the Press” program when he collapsed, the NBC News …

Clinton Endorses Obama

Today, I guess we can finally say that the democratic primary season for the 2008 election is officially over because Hillary Clinton FINALLY formally “suspended” her campaign and endorsed Obama. While the look on her face obviously showed her disappointment, her endorsement will definitely help Obama.

History in the Making

When it seemed that this day would never come, today was the day of the last two primaries (in Montana and South Dakota). Sixteen months after announcing his bid for candidacy, Obama crossed the delegate mark to clinch the nomination and become the first African American nominee for president. On a smaller note, Clinton won …