Showing 17 Result(s)

Trip to Canada

After a very fun-filled week in Canada because of all the wedding events and family events, we arrived back home late last night. The ride back home took forever! Getting from Mississauga to the United States and Canada border usually takes a mere forty five minutes… but yesterday it took us over three and a …

Yay for a Vacation!

I’ve been interning for a month now… and boy am I glad for a vacation! My family and I, on Monday, will be going to Canada for about a week for my cousin’s wedding. The week should be a lot of fun – and very exhausting! So far the internship has not turned out to …

May 30th, 2008

Today was our last full day here. Today, we went to Sweden for a few hours and then had a family barbecue. These past ten days seemed to go by really fast and we have had a great time here. It’s weird to say that I’ve been to Europe. 🙂 I am definitely going to …

It Had to Happen

So … things were going way to well. This morning, I found out that the airport in Oslo is in a midst of a strike. At this time, it seems to be only affecting domestic flights there … but you never know… our flight is still twelve hours away (just under that) at this point …

Random Blurbs

I never realized how much I hate packing – and how much effort it actually takes. I had been putting it off consistently, thinking “oh it will only take me a little while to get it done”. But my god, things accumulate … and not only trying to fit everything, but also trying to organize …

And So it Begins

So today is officially my first day of summer vacation (considering I had work yesterday)..and waking up around 10 today felt AMAZING! I haven’t had a chance to sleep in forever. So far, it has been okay just being lazy for the day (it’s only about 3 P.M.)… but I am definitely not used to …