Showing 6 Result(s)


Oklahoma. Enough said. Or, not much else to say, I should say. Watching the news yesterday as the tornado wreaked havoc and leveled a town to debris, I couldn’t even process in my head what was going on there. I thought back to end of October, when Sandy — a minimal storm [not even categorized …

Pray for Humanity. Pray for Boston.

Imagine living in a world of peace and humanity. One where kids can freely run around outside without their parents worrying. One where you don’t have to think twice about whether that loved one of yours that just left home… whether they’ll make it home safe and sound. One where you don’t get that feeling …

No Place for Guns

I believe I was around the age of 6. I had to be younger than the age of seven because we moved by then. We had just left a family party, when suddenly we had to turn around and go back because my grandfather had forgotten something. I guess now would be a good time …

God & Tragedies

In times of tragedy or hardship, non-believers/atheists always bring up the question “where was God in this?” or “how could God let this happen” or even more specifically “IF there is indeed a God, then WHY would He let this happen?” All fair questions indeed. And ones to ponder. For many, hard times bring them …

Psychological Issues and the Blame Game

Additional/continuing thoughts after my post from Friday night: I’m sick and tired of hearing about the psychological issues in the aftermath of a horrendous massacre like this. Why isn’t something done before? Why is it gone unnoticed? Psychological issues leave many hints of problems, why aren’t they caught earlier? It’s not like one day this it is developed, …

Newtown, Connecticut School Massacre

Another horrific massacre. My heart aches for the family and friends of the 27 deceased that were viciously murdered this morning. Especially the innocent 20 children who suffered and endured what no one should have to go through. Let alone at a school! It sickens me how evil some people can be. The ache I feel inside of …

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