Showing 8 Result(s)

First Presidential Candidate Debate

Yesterday was the first of three (at least I hope there still will be three) presidential debates. I would call it as a draw, simply because neither candidate did outstanding. One big turnoff for me was that Obama kept saying McCain is “absolutely right” and I “agree” with McCain over and over again – I …

McCain Attempts to Cancel V.P. Debate Altogether

Tell me you didn’t see this coming : McCain’s excuse attempt to delay tomorrow’s first presidential candidate debate was actually an effort to cancel the V.P’s debate! McCain wants to delay the debate from tomorrow.. cancel the V.P. debate.. and in place of the V.P debate, hold the debate originally slotted for tomorrow. The first …

McCain’s Just Like Us Huh

So McCain’s just like us huh.. McCain and his campaign have been trying to instill how ordinary McCain is in the American population and of course another crazy fact comes out against McCain. So not only does he have so many houses that he can’t remember how many in total he has, now we find …

McCain-Palin Campaign Confirms Palin Didn’t Go Beyond Iraqi Border

So Palin has been talking about her trip to Iraq (which would have been her only real foreign IF the trip had actually had happened) and we find out that was a lie… and apparently now a re-fueling stop counts as some sort of foreign experience? I don’t even know which lie so far is …

Political Cartoon

So I always love reading political cartoons (any comics for that matter) … and this particular one in Newsweek Magazine that I just read was pretty funny:

McCain’s Choice Helps Obama Instead

CNN’s headline as “Palin raises millions — for Obama” says it all. After Sarah Palin’s speech last night, Obama has raised $10 million in one day, which is a one day record. The funny part is, that the Republican Party announced earlier that it had raised $1 million since Palin’s speech in comparison. Click here …

No Time

Classes started on Tuesday = no free time (at all) = no time for blogging! I must catch up on the RNC at least! and I can’t believe it’s my junior year of undergraduate.. where is the time flying to??

Rutgers Football

Rutgers football season has officially begun!

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