Showing 16 Result(s)

Can you think of the word? It starts with an “S”

A random, fun activity… 1) Luke’s last name in Star Wars: 2) A type of food and game fish of northern waters, having delicate pinkish flesh and characteristically swimming from salt to fresh water to spawn: 3) Distress signal used at sea: 4) Mark left behind when a wound heals: 5) One of two or …

Go Figure: Clinton Faces Claims of Borrowed Language

Here’s an interesting read that I found on CNN Political Ticker. We all know Hillary has been constantly accusing Obama of borrowing words from Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick over the past few days, so this article addresses her own actions of taking other people’s words without giving them credit. She quotes pretty much word for …

Snow Day!

There’s no flood, but Rutgers FINALLY decided to cancel classes for the day! I only had one class today, but it was an 8:10 A.M. class so I’m not complaining. Besides, I think I am finally getting the snow storm I have been waiting for all year! 🙂 It is so pretty outside right now, …

Did you know…

…that every hundred years, the leap year is skipped? Apparently, while the leap year occurs every four years, once every hundred years it is skipped. I learned from Pat Sajak’s random comments at the end of Wheel of Fortune tonight that in 2000 the leap year was skipped and this is why. Upon some research, …

Lunar Eclipse

Tonight was a total lunar eclipse– the last total lunar eclipse until December 20, 2010. There were two last year. I’ve been looking out the window periodically tonight and just now I looked again and it was totally eclipsed at this point..pretty cool. I was reading earlier that later this year, sometime in August I …

Another Win For Obama

The final results for the February 19th primaries and caucus were: Democrats: Hawaii: Obama (with 79%) Wisconsin: Obama (with 58%) Republicans: Washington: McCain (with 49%) Wisconsin: McCain (with 55%) With the Hawaii win, Obama is now up to a 10 state winning streak.

Cheeseheads Propel Another Obama Victory…

The big international news today was of course that Fidel Castro resigned as President of Cuba and commander in chief of Cuba’s military, saying that he would: “not aspire to, nor … accept the position of president of the council of state and commander in chief. I wish only to fight as a soldier of …

On This Thursday…

This afternoon, Mitt Romney endorsed former rival McCain. Also, after all the votes were finally tallied from New Mexico’s caucus on Super Tuesday, it was announced just moments ago that Hillary Clinton won.

Obama’s Ahead!

Obama sweeped all three primaries again tonight : Virginia, D.C., and Maryland by significant margins. On a MUCH higher note, Obama’s ahead in delegates..even after factoring in the infamous super delegates! The latest numbers are 1181 for Obama to 1173 for Clinton, but they will definitely climb in the coming days. Clinton’s deputy campaign manager, …

Call for Change

I am about twenty years old. My whole life, there has either been a Bush or a Clinton in the White House. I demand a change.

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