Showing 125 Result(s)

Maximum Potential

“What if the cure for cancer is trapped inside the mind of someone who can’t afford an education?” I came across this quote late one night last week when someone shared it on Facebook. It was in the middle of the night, but it got me thinking right away. It hasn’t left my mind since. …

Just a Dream

I never remember my dreams. I don’t think I stay in REM sleep long enough to even have many… So imagine my surprise when last night not only did I have a dream that I woke up remembering… but a very vivid one. Why couldn’t it be a pleasant one at least? It’s just my mom …

Locked Out

So you know what I did this weekend? I locked the keys in the car. In the trunk. In a rental. In another state. Ugh. Oh and I managed to do this the night of my cousin’s, Naairah, graduation party. On the positive side, I guess it was a good thing that we were already …

Summaiyah’s Home Cooking

“What’s for dinner?” A question many, if not all of us, face on a daily basis. For me, “What’s for dinner” has been so much more: it has represented my passion for cooking [for myself, my family, my friends, etc.] over the past few years by being the signature of my cooking/food. When I started …

First ‘Catering’ Order!

As I went to create this post, I realized this is my 500th blog post on this blog: how incredible! And about something so neat too! This blog has been so great to me — I’ve used it to vent, reflect, share… and so much more! Some things are just better expressed written, don’t you think? Now …


It’s not often I watch movies [or TV in general], let alone go to a theater to watch one. My attention span is horrible. As in: it has to be incredibly captivating/interesting for me to be able to sit and watch something for more than a few minutes. Yesterday, I ended up seeing “42” with …

Pray for Humanity. Pray for Boston.

Imagine living in a world of peace and humanity. One where kids can freely run around outside without their parents worrying. One where you don’t have to think twice about whether that loved one of yours that just left home… whether they’ll make it home safe and sound. One where you don’t get that feeling …

No Place for Guns

I believe I was around the age of 6. I had to be younger than the age of seven because we moved by then. We had just left a family party, when suddenly we had to turn around and go back because my grandfather had forgotten something. I guess now would be a good time …

[Dresser Drawer] Organization

Slowly, but surely, I have been trying to organize my drawers. Apparently very slowly: months later and all I have to show for it are 4/6 drawers in my dresser. So what, you ask? Well, apparently it’s more of a daunting task than you would think. For starters, why don’t they make organization sets that …

Jury Duty

I realize that I am probably one of the few people who actually was looking forward to be summoned for jury duty… and enjoyed the experience when it happened. I was originally summoned last May/June [2012], but I had to defer it for one reason or another [schedule conflict]. Anyways, they were nice enough to …

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