Showing 47 Result(s)

Central Jersey Heart Walk 2012

I just registered for the Central Jersey Heart Walk on Sunday, October 21, 2012 at Johnson Park  in Piscataway, NJ, will you help fight the cause? Seven years ago, back on July 16, 2005, my dad had a heart attack. That day is forever engraved in my mind and was the scariest day of my …

Halal Food Festival

Yesterday (Sunday) marked the first annual Halal Food Festival here locally in Central New Jersey. Did it run smoothly without any hitches? No. But you know what? An event at that scale almost never does. And for all those complaining (there seems to be quite a few of them), how about appreciating the event, and …


For the most part, during taraweeh in the month of Ramadan, we weren’t distracted or disturbed by kids because they had set up babysitting in the basement for the young ones. Most obliged, and left their young kids there. Of course, there were some who must have though that their “angel” of a kid wouldn’t …

What’s for Dinner: Dirt Pudding Cups

It tastes a lot more delicious than it sounds. Trust me! It was so simple to make, and it. was. scrumptious! I don’t know if I’ve ever used that word before. But it was. The “dirt” (cookie crumbs) become soft, and melt in your mouth… so combine that with the pudding, and all I can …

What’s For Dinner: Cheese Pizza Monkey Bread

So I’ve had this recipe saved for a while, but I didn’t own a Bundt pan. So I made this today to test out for Eid-ul-Fitr and made some changes along the way to my liking… and with a lot less butter! The original recipe called for like 5 tablespoons of butter. Yeah, not happening. …


Today, someone asked me how tall I was. When I answered “5 feet”, they asked me with a laugh “are you really 5 feet or are you rounding up?” Sigh. Thanks, I know I’m short.

What’s for Dinner: Chicken Tikka

If you know me, it’s no surprise to you that over the past year or so I’ve began to LOVE to cook. Not only do I enjoy cooking, but I like to try and make new and different things… that are EASY to make! I may love cooking, but I do not like spending HOURS …

Organ Donation (in Islam)

Every now and then (for over a few years), I’ve been engaged in a conversation (or debate… whatever you want to call it) on whether or not organ donation is permissible in Islam. Each time, the conversation and/or debate would conclude without an answer — just both sides very stubbornly attached to their argument. While …

What’s for Dinner: Grilled Tilapia

While I usually fry Tilapia as that is the way my family likes it the best, this particular day I didn’t have a few of the main ingredients I normally use. Instead, I decided to throw some random spices in and grill it on our George Foreman Grill (which, by the way, I LOVE!). Like …


You see the Lego box below? It’s from our (my siblings and mine) childhood. Our parents bought it for us back in 1991 — yes that’s 21 years old — and almost as old as me!! We played countless hours with the set, building everything imaginable. We wore out the blocks, the people, and the …

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