
Self Control and Soda

I’ve had soda only twice in the past month (maybe longer… the time frame is probably longer but I am not sure exactly how much longer so I’ll leave it at that).

If you are thinking “so what?!”, here’s what:

While I don’t think I was ever addicted to soda, I was a fan. Had it every time I went out to eat (with a few exceptions). Had it at parties. And had it at home (sometimes even a few times a week if we had it). If we had it at home, I drank it. If we didn’t, it didn’t bother me.

When all of this started, I didn’t even turn down soda intentionally. It just sort of happened. Preferring water over soda. Even at parties and when out for dinner. When I realized I was doing well not drinking soda, I started making a conscious effort to try and limit it (or avoid it). While I have been tempted a few times, it hasn’t bothered me yet. I’ve always loved water, so replacing soda with water has worked well for me so far.

I’ve gone out to eat several times, hosted a BBQ party at my house, hung out with cousins for a few days all in the last week or so — and I thought I’d end up at least having a little bit. I wasn’t even opposed to having a little bit, but I still didn’t cave!

While I don’t plan on abstaining from it totally (because I know in that route I don’t think I’ll last too long), I do plan on limiting it for sure to just occasionally. I’ll have to see how long this lasts.

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