Showing 83 Result(s)

What’s For Dinner: Cheesecake

A no bake cheesecake simply decorated with strawberries on top! Like my recipes? Click this link to purchase my cookbook “What’s for Dinner”. P.S. This post is a part of my “What’s for Dinner” series, where I share what I’ve been cooking and my recipes.

Thanks Hurricane Irene

Thanks to Hurricane Irene, our family spent Saturday night de-flooding (un-flooding?) taking all of the water out of our basement. What else could we have wanted to do on a Saturday night, right? In all honesty, my brother and dad did most of it because I couldn’t do much. But in all seriousness, we were …

Prepping for Hurricane Irene

Non perishable food and bottled water has been bought. Flashlights are at arm’s distance. Bags have been packed in case we need to evacuate. Cookies have been baked 🙂 Oh and rain and wind has picked up. Are we ready? As ready as we’ll ever be. I’ll take the crazy wind, rain, and possible flooding… …

Did You Feel It?

“Did you feel it?” It’s probably the number one question being asked along all of the east coast on the United States. Living in New Jersey (or any part of the east cost), you don’ really expect earthquakes. Barring crazy thunderstorms (and your house being struck by lightning) and snow storms, we are fortunate enough …

Domestic Violence Transcends All Racial Boundaries

Domestic violence transcends all racial boundaries. It’s proven time and again. I haven’t been able to get the unfortunate news out of my mind all week. A fellow Pakistani female murdered. At the hands of her husband. Right here in New Jersey! Not just because I, too, was born in Pakistan. Or that I am a female. …

Texas Trip

Texas. What can I say about our trip? It was disgustingly hot. That pretty much summarizes the trip for me. While our five day stay earlier this month was a lot of month, the heat and humidity more than took over the trip. My brother Faraz and I have been there once before a couple …

On Our Way to Texas

After months and months of planning, our trip to Texas is finally here! Ironically, my uncle lived in Dallas for years, and always called all of our extended family to visit… and my brother, one of my cousins, and I were the only ones to go visit him now. My uncle just moved from there …

Beyond a Reasonable Doubt

Beyond a reasonable doubt. What does that mean to you? Unless you live under a cave somewhere (and if that was the case, you wouldn’t be reading this either), you had to have been at least aware of Casey Anthony and the case against her. If you read and watch the news (multiple times) daily like me, then …

Advertising Tactics

I understand companies think of every way possible to advertise their stuff and try and get us the consumers to their products. That’s just the way it works. I do not appreciate the fact when they go over board and send me emails telling me there are things still left in my cart from my …

“Miracle on the Hudson” Plane

Yes, that’s the “Miracle on the Hudson” plane hanging out by my house on River Road. Not random at all, right?P.S. Don’t forget to leave me a comment below on your thoughts! As always, I’d love to hear from you.

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