
As I said yesterday, I wasn’t sure what I was going to talk about today to start off the challenge (some start, huh?). So I used the first A-word that popped in my head… and it happened to be about blogging 🙂

What do you think of Anonymous commenter’s who leave negative comments on blogs?

I personally haven’t had such an experience, but every time I read one on someone else’s blog it makes me cringe. If you don’t have the audacity to take responsibility for what you are saying, then you lose your credibility.

You have something to say on the contrary to what you read? Fine, but take some ownership for what you are saying!

Don’t you think it’s fair to say that when people know their identities are going to be kept anonymous (whether offline or online), they behave much worse than they would have otherwise? Or when dealing with someone on an one-time basis that you know you’ll never see them again?

P.S. Don’t forget to leave me a comment below on your thoughts! As always, I’d love to hear from you.


  1. &quot;If you don&#39;t have the audacity to take responsibility for what you are saying, then you lose your credibility.&quot;<br /><br />I totally agree — especially since Bloggers are usually putting their lives out there and the least that Anons could do is write their names as well.

  2. I usually discourage Anonymous comments on my blogs. I have myself never been anonymous on any blog.<br /><br />Good luck with the challenge from a fellow-participant. 🙂

  3. Good luck on the challenge! Me, I haven&#39;t had much trouble with anonymous comments, but I notice that message boards for many newspapers (at least in my city) often become filled with racist bile because people can post anonymously.<br /><br />People often act differently–cold, callous–under the cloak of anonymity.

  4. I definitely agree, I used to get anonymous haters commenting on my blog. Sometimes I&#39;d delete them, sometimes other readers would pick them apart. <br /><br />In any case, I&#39;m positive they say things they normally wouldn&#39;t because they have the mask of anonymity on their side.<br /><br />Great post, can&#39;t wait to see what you come up with for the rest of the challenge!

  5. When someone post as An. and is saying hateful things then I don&#39;t agree with it. But sometimes if they don&#39;t have a Blogger or Google account it&#39;s hard to post. But if you can use your name, you should. And always be nice! 🙂

  6. I agree. If you don&#39;t have the guts to say it openly, then you&#39;re probably posting something you know is controversial (for the sake of riling ppl) or plain rude. I&#39;m all for honest opinions, but if it&#39;s not rude, a commenter should identify herself.

  7. I agree. Anonymous comments are terrible. I assume their just worried about embarassment or rejection though. Typically, not always though, they either same something that wastes time or something quite contriversial, often arguing against the blog poster. I understand it to an extent, but you shouldn&#39;t be embarassed of your opinion and who you are.<br /><br />Nice post! Only 25 more to go!

  8. I don&#39;t post anonymous comments on my blog–good or bad. I have a little statement above my comment box letting people know about that and some of my other rules. (I&#39;m fine posting comments that don&#39;t agree with me–I just won&#39;t post ones that are personal attacks or filled with profanity.)<br /><br />You should know I blog about jewelry making, which you would think wouldn&#39;

  9. Great start to the A-Z Challenge! I&#39;m glad to have discovered your blog. 🙂 And I agree about the anonymous comments, I think dannifoley is right, some people use anonymity to say things they would never say face to face. <br />Good luck with the rest of the Challenge!

  10. In response to this post, my A-word is &quot;accountability.&quot; I agree with you totally, people lose credibility when they&#39;re not accountable for their words/actions.<br /><br />If you don&#39;t have the courage to own it, why say it in the first place?<br /><br />Newly following through Tara&#39;s Weekend Hop!<br /><br /><a href="; rel="nofollow"

  11. I agree with you, so true. I&#39;ve only gotten one kinda negative comment, but it wasn&#39;t anonymous, somebody said the unicorn I drew looked like he was stupid. Have fun with the challenge!

  12. I also agree with you! I haven&#39;t had that experience personally, but I can&#39;t imagine how frustrating it must be not to be able to engage someone who is in disagreement with what you&#39;ve said and have a normal discussion about it. Then again, if they were able to have a &quot;normal&quot; discussion, they probably wouldn&#39;t post anonymously! Great 1st post…looking forward to

  13. I don&#39;t think I&#39;ve ever seen a positive anonymous comment, but I don&#39;t have a problem with those.<br /><br />I just think that if you are going to vocalize your disagreement or your opinion that&#39;s to the contrary – then have the guts to do it as you… which most of you agreed with 🙂

  14. fortunately i haven&#39;t had to deal with many anonymous commenters (good or bad) on my blog. i feel if you&#39;re going to comment at all, you may as wel own up to it.

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