Showing 105 Result(s)

Super Bowl Party

My brothers and I invited a bunch of our cousins from NJ and NY for a superbowl party tonight – with 30 people. Here’s the party recap in pictures (of food): My dad and mom got this table cover for us! A closer look at the edge: Some of the snacks: My brother Faraz helping …

New Blog Layout

On a much brighter note, Louise at Adori Graphics designed a new look for my blog. She installed it for me this morning and it turned out great! She was great to work with, and really captured ‘me’ well. Thanks Louise! I really liked my old design as well, but I had had that for a while and …

When Life Throws You Lemons…

Have you ever gotten the feeling that you were meant to do something? Well, I keep get the feeling that I wasn’t meant to be a lawyer. And that’s quite unfortunate because it is something I have wanted and ASPIRED to become since I was in the eighth grade. It’s funny how we plan for something, and something totally different …

The News: Old School vs. New School

I’m a news junkie. Everyone (and anyone) who knows me, knows that. I have ‘breaking news’ alerts from many different sources delivered to my phone, a few major websites are bookmarked, I have many RSS feeds coming into my Google Reader, I read the news online daily from various sources, I ‘follow’ newspapers, news broadcasting organizations and reporters …

Obama’s State of the Union Address

So as I was watching Obama’s first State of the Union Address (SOTU) as president earlier, education was high on my list of things to note. As a college student right now who is planning on pursuing higher education (via law school), it is probably one of the two most important issues (healthcare being the other one) that …

Um, Why Does This Guy Speak Better Urdu Than Me?

I came across this blog yesterday and I was hooked. Like I have been constantly reading it every chance I get and will probably be done catching up on all the past posts by tomorrow (even though I should be reading for classes…). It’s written by an American women who is married to a Pakistani …

Remarkable Rescue in Haiti

I saw this on my brother’s blog and i had to share it as well. What a remarkable story : a seven year old boy and his sister were found alive and in relatively good shape seven days after the disasterious earthquake that hit their region in Haiti. Here’s a clip:(The previous link I put …

My Last First Day of College!

Tomorrow is my last first day of college! Classes at Rutgers actually began today, but I have no classes on Tuesdays and Fridays this semester – so tomorrow will officially be my first day of the semester. It will definitely be a long day with work in the morning and then classes from 1 to …

Thoughts on Earthquake in Haiti

I’m sure, by now, everyone has heard of the devastating 7.0 earthquake in Haiti earlier this week on Tuesday that has caused so much destruction, left so many people homeless and without food, injured countless people, and killed over 45 thousand people (and counting; the number is expected to sky rocket tremendously). Not to mention the amount …

Winter Break ’09

Why is it that it seems like we wait for vacation for so long and then when it finally comes, it just flies by… no matter how long (or short) it really was. It feels like winter break just started, but it is going by so fast and already coming to an end and classes start …

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